RIVO-Noord Zorgviewer Implementation Guide
1.11.0 - sprint49
This page is part of the RIVO-Noord Zorgviewer Implementation Guide (v1.11.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R3. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Bundle 69ecfed3-f811-45be-969c-6fb1f32fcf19
Bundle 69ecfed3-f811-45be-969c-6fb1f32fcf19 of type searchset
Entry 1 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Flag/D71F2DC8E0EAEB7F55503D78CB4738A06F5865563476FCE606B19191FB7DC253
Search:Mode = match
Resource Flag:
Flag resource:
Subject: 'Test de Patient A van Vipp'
Status: 'Active'
Category: 'condition'
Condition Code Onset date/time Clinical status Category Comment Condition 1 Other 15-4-2019 Active Other BRMO bewezen dragerschap als opmerking Period start: '15-4-2019'
Author 'Practitioner author with last name 'Waar'.'
Entry 2 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Flag/967B84060E9B29AAD19A1C62F0C5048E31CE74BB1A9B4F743424BC349212335A
Search:Mode = match
Resource Flag:
Flag resource:
Subject: 'Test de Patient A van Vipp'
Status: 'Active'
Category: 'condition'
Condition Code Onset date/time Clinical status Category Comment Condition 1 Other 19-7-2024 Active Other test mrsa opmerkingenveld Period start: '19-7-2024'
Author 'Practitioner author with last name 'Waar'.'
Entry 3 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Condition/b8db73b5-e568-417b-b467-29f680957b11
Search:Mode = include
Resource Condition:
Condition resource:
Subject: 'Test de Patient A van Vipp'
Clinical status: 'Active'
Verification status: 'Unknown'
Category: 'Other'
Code: 'Other'
Onset date/time: '15-4-2019'
Note: 'BRMO bewezen dragerschap als opmerking'
Entry 4 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Practitioner/1970F9F749294513ED4F32C0D15550035F705DDD637291A8E72E8728EF68151B
Search:Mode = include
Resource Practitioner:
Practitioner resource:
System Value http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/agb-z 03087495 http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/big 19047575501 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. 900003805075 Names:
Name Period Preferred display order (K.) Waar Eigen geslachtsnaam Address:
Address Address type Additional information Period Postbus 21020, 8900JA Leeuwarden (LEEUWARDEN) Work Werkadres
Entry 5 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Organization/2.16.840.1.113883.
Search:Mode = include
Resource Organization:
Organization resource:
System Value http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/agb-z 50009062 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. 90000380500090620903 Name: 'L.V.F.'
Contact information:
System Use Additional information Value hixbeheer@tjongerschans.nl Address:
Address Address type Additional information Period Jelsumerstraat 6, 8917EN Leeuwarden (LEEUWARDEN) Work Werkadres
Entry 6 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/PractitionerRole/0E96C422AAE16D9B6C28ED32305FFBB829E2503785B9E1F0B31E00CFF68EB8CC
Search:Mode = include
Resource PractitionerRole:
PractitionerRole resource:
Display Reference K. Waar 1970F9F749294513ED4F32C0D15550035F705DDD637291A8E72E8728EF68151B Organization:
Display Reference L.V.F. 2.16.840.1.113883. Function:
Behandelend arts Specialism: 'Medisch specialisten, medische microbiologie'
Entry 7 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Condition/359d2cc2-eb1c-4384-ac2a-e18dded1b6bc
Search:Mode = include
Resource Condition:
Condition resource:
Subject: 'Test de Patient A van Vipp'
Clinical status: 'Active'
Verification status: 'Unknown'
Category: 'Other'
Code: 'Other'
Onset date/time: '19-7-2024'
Note: 'test mrsa opmerkingenveld'
Entry 8 - fullUrl = https://api.zorgplatform.online/Patient/88384C001FDAFC29A3207DEA5E6BD22C01D53EBC60A844CA91761E6BE7008E32
Search:Mode = include
Resource Patient:
Patient resource:
Name Period Preferred display order Test Testje (T.) de Patient A van Vipp Geslachtsnaam partner gevolgd door eigen geslachtsnaam Identification:
System Value http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/bsn 900200078 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. 90000380291148VI400 Address:
Address Address type Additional information Period Van Rijgersmapark 44, 84414PW Lemmer (Netherlands (the)) Home Officieel adres Marktweg 104, 8444AC Heerenveen (HEERENVEEN) Postal Postadres [2019-09-30, 2024-12-31] Contact information:
System Use Additional information Value Phone Land Line +31513685685 Phone Mobile Mobile Phone +31600000000 Home hixbeheer@tjongerschans.nl Gender: 'Man'
Birthdate: '1948-11-29'
Deceased: 'No'
Marital status: 'Gehuwd'
Part of multiple birth: 'Yes'